Interdisciplinarity in teaching: a challenge for secondary education


  • Camila Carlachiani UNR



teaching, interdisciplinarity, compulsory education, inclusion, secondary school


This article constitutes an advance of the
current master’s thesis entitled «Curricular devices in
secondary school. An analysis from post–critical perspectives
». Institutional curricula development in secondary
school is studied in dialogue with the different
levels of decisions on curricular policies in translation
keys (Casimiro Lopes et al., 2013). To this end, the
general objective of this work is to analyze how institutional
curricular devices are designed and developed
in secondary schools, according to processes for
translating curricular policies. Specific objectives are:
1) to investigate how institutional curricular devices
enter into dialogue with curricular policies of macro and
meso levels about inclusion for secondary school; 2) to
identify which curricular devices are designed and developed
by secondary schools to guarantee compulsory
education and inclusion. By taking a first approach to
the field, it is possible to perceive that interdisciplinarity
in teaching and its connection with local social problems
constitute an institutional approach to promote inclusion
and compulsory education in secondary school, favoring
socially significant learning (Orozco Fuentes, 2006).



How to Cite

Carlachiani, C. (2019). Interdisciplinarity in teaching: a challenge for secondary education. Itinerarios Educativos, (11), 117–132.



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