Admission exam: an educational equity enabler? Account of an experience


  • María Alejandra Santarrone EIS
  • Valentina Jara EIS



Admission, secondary, examination, equity


The present article presents a discussion on the
development of the admission program of Escuela Industrial
Superior, which is a secondary technical school in
the city of Santa Fe, Argentina, and belongs to Universidad
Nacional del Litoral (EIS–UNL). This work describes
the various involved admission instances and provides
relevant indicators for analyzing the context in which
primary and secondary levels are assembled. Based on
several questions, this work aims at finding the grounds
for using an admission exam. Even though it is selective
and excluding, it is seen as an analytic tool to pursue
educational equity in the educational system. Moreover,
and taking into consideration these questions, this work
systematizes a series of assumptions and hypotheses regarding
the central problems that converge into an institution
which receives students from different places of
the city and surrounding areas. Also, the strategies designed
by the institution’s departments to favor and ensure
the pursued equity are described.



How to Cite

Santarrone, M. A., & Jara, V. (2019). Admission exam: an educational equity enabler? Account of an experience. Itinerarios Educativos, (11), 151–163.



Experiences and projects