Denaturalization and visibilization of ‘violence and discriminatory behavior’.

Scaling up devices to enable Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). Open paths in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences in Concepción del Uruguay (Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos, Argentina)


  • Marcela Indiana Fernández UADER
  • Alejandra Gorlero UADER



cse, gender, rights, visibilization, diversity


As a result of some classroom experiences
and evidenced gaps in the training plans of future teachers and graduates in relation to issues of gender /
sexuality / rights, which are differentiated, transversal
and compulsory contents according to Ley Nacional
de Educación 263206/06 (Argentine education act
Nr. 26.206/06), the Geography degree program of
the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
(FHAYCS, for its Spanish initials) of Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos (UADER, for its Spanish initials)
promoted the University Extension Sessions: ‘Denaturalization and visibilization of violence and discriminatory
behavior by scaling up devices to enable CSE and reflect
on situations/problems we go through as a community’. These issues constitute compulsory contents to
be addressed at all levels of the education system, and
thus the aforementioned act defines CSE spaces for
each stage of formal education. Educational and health

institutions have started an erratic way riddled with
resistance that enables some work lines to implement
CSE contents. These Sessions, which were declared
of Institutional Interest according to Res. CD FHAYCS/
UADER 1549/18, included 4 Workshops specifically
related to an interdisciplinary health/education perspective based on the CSE act, discrimination and respect
for diversity, violation of rights in educational contexts,
and views on body through art, clothing, and social
trends. The meetings that were intended to represent
a contribution to the treatment of these issues in the
university field were closed with collective artistic productions and a photographic exhibition linked to the
addressed issues.



How to Cite

Fernández, M. I., & Gorlero, A. (2020). Denaturalization and visibilization of ‘violence and discriminatory behavior’.: Scaling up devices to enable Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). Open paths in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences in Concepción del Uruguay (Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos, Argentina). Itinerarios Educativos, (12), 125–137.



Experiences and projects