The Euro-Latin American Network of Administrative Law Professors constitutes an action that arises from a plural commitment of a group of professors from Public and Private Universities in Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe, who structured an institutional project that seeks to generate synergistic interaction with the aim of promoting teaching and research on issues of Public Law, in general, and Administrative Law, in particular, that respond to current local and global challenges.
The task of the Network is marked by the conviction that university institutions and teachers must assume -in the scope of our tasks - greater responsibilities in a context of frenetic rhythms, dizzying changes, global social transformations and deepening of inequalities, which require focusing attention on those who are in a vulnerable situation and, for this reason, require special protection of their fundamental rights.
What are your objectives?
The Euro-Latin American Network of Administrative Law Professors constitutes an instance of academic and professional exchange, cooperation and integration that arises from the reciprocal recognition - between the Universities, teachers and Institutions involved - of development potentialities, whose essential purpose is to promote comprehensive instruction of students who are at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Within the framework of such objective, the projection and construction of the following actions is intended:
- Conducting Courses, Congresses, Meetings and Seminars;
- Developing papers and lines of research;
- Developing instances of academic instruction promoting the implementation of double degree mechanisms;
- Generating instances of exchange between undergraduate and graduate students and teachers from the different universities
- Promoting different forms of inter-institutional cooperation, promoting interaction with other national and international entities or organizations and the incorporation of new universities and institutions to the network.
When was it founded?
The Euro-Latin American Network of Administrative Law Professors was founded in 2010, an opportunity in which a group of Universities from Argentina, Brazil and Spain celebrated the framework agreement that laid the foundations for the creation of the aforementioned instance of cooperation, coordination and academic exchange between European and Latin American professors of Public Law, in general, and Administrative, in particular.
It has been formally presented in the academic field of the "First Congress of the Euro-Latin American Network of Administrative Law Professors - New Perspectives for Economic and Socio-Environmental Development", held in Curitiba, Brazil on February 22, 23 and 24, 2011.
Who integrates it?
Currently, the Euro-Latin American Network of Administrative Law Professors is made up of universities and institutions from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, France and Italy.
The Network proposes the establishment of links that allow the development of all forms of inter-institutional cooperation that promote the optimization of individual capacities and of the practices developed in each of its fields and, also, of the internationalization of the university system, strengthening the Euro-Latin American axis.
As of today, the Network is made up of the Universities and institutions - founders and adherents - that are detailed below:
- Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)
- Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina)
- Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina)
- Universidad Empresarial Siglo XXI (Argentina)
- Asociación Argentina de Derecho Administrativo (Argentina)
- Instituto Romeu Felipe Bacellar (Brasil)
- Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (Brasil)
- Facultades Integradas do Brasil (UniBrasil)
- Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná (Brasil)
- Universidad del Rosario (Colombia)
- Universidad Escuela Libre de Derecho (Costa Rica)
- Universidad de Almería (España)
- Universidade da Coruña (España)
- Universidad de Huelva (España)
- Universidad de Salamanca (España)
- Universidad Europea Miguel Cervantes (España)
- Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha (España)
- Universitat Rovira et Virgili (España)
- Universitá Degli Studi di Firenze (Italia)
- Universitá Degli Studi di Torino (Italia)
- Universitá Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italia)
- Universitá LUM Jean Monnet (Italia)
- Universidad París Descartes (Francia)
- Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas (Francia)
REDOEDA's official website: