Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- 1. The contribution is original and unpublished and it is not being evaluated for publication by another Journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the Editor."
- 2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF.
- 3. URLs for the references have been informed when possible.
- 4. The text has between 15 and 30 pages (A4 size - 21 cm by 29.7 cm), including the introduction, development, conclusion (not necessarily with these titles) and a list of references; margins used are: left and top of 3 cm and right and bottom of 2 cm; the text is written in Times New Roman format, size 12, line spacing 1.5, and spacing 0 pt before and after paragraphs; in the footnotes it was used Times New Roman, size 10, 1 pt spacing; in the text development, paragraphs have an indent of 1.5 cm from the left margin; headings and subheadings are aligned on the left margin; figures and tables are inserted in the text, not in the end of the document as attachments.
- 5. The text respects the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the "Author Guidelines".
- 6. The author states that, with the exception of the direct and indirect quotations clearly indicated and referenced, the article is of his/her authorship and therefore does not contain plagiarism. And also states that he/she is aware of the legal implications of the use of other authors material.
- 7. The author states that participated in the work enough to make public their responsibility for the content and that all statements contained in the manuscript are true or based on research with reasonable accuracy.
- 8. The author agrees with the liability policy defined in item 10. Authors responsibilities of the "Author Guidelines".
Author Guidelines
1. Article submission
Article propositions for publishing on the Euro-Latin American Journal of Administrative Law must be sent through the electronic submission system (free of cost), through the registration on the electronic journal system and access through login and password (on this link). Propositions sent by e-mail will not be accepted. The Journal has the right to accept or reject any originals received, according to its Editorial Board’s recommendations, as well as the right to propose any changes. Articles may be rejected outright by the Editorial Team, in a non-appealable decision, for the following reasons:
1.1. Dealing with a topic that is out of line with the journal's priorities, either because it is outside its focus and scope, or because it deals with a subject that is ephemeral or too specific and of little interest to the journal's readership.
1.2. Dealing with a topic already covered by scholarship, without an original, innovative and relevant approach that justifies a new publication on the subject.
1.3. Not exploring certain subjects with theoretical depth, failing to examine the issue from different perspectives and considering arguments contrary to those defended in the article.
1.4. Do not present an extensive and in-depth bibliographical survey, which includes specific bibliographical references that already exist on the topic.
1.5. Using an excess of long direct quotes, without bringing effective and sufficient contributions prepared by the author of the article himself/herself.
1.6. Failure to comply with the formatting and scientific methodology standards described in the Author Guidelines or other requirements of the journal.
1.7. Have typing, spelling and writing errors or problems with clarity and cohesion in writing the article.
2. Author Qualification
It is preferable, although not exclusive, that at least one of the authors own either a PhD degree or a Doctor of Juridical Science (J.S.D. or S.J.D), Doctor juris (Dr. iur. or Dr. jur.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) ou Legum Doctor (LL.D.) degree. Likewise, it is also preferable academic contributions from: (i) authors affiliated to foreign institutions; (ii) articles written in English.
All of academic contributions are approved by blind peer review conducted by at least two referees.
3. Originality and prohibition of simultaneous submission
Articles for publication in the Euro-Latin American Journal of Administrative Law must be unpublished and, before their first publication in this journal, they may not be simultaneously submitted to other journals or publishers. After the publication of the article in this journal, it can also be published in books and edited volumes, as long as the original publication is mentioned.
4. Languages
Articles can be submitted in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian or French.
5. Registration of the metadata in the electronic submission system
5.1. At the time of submission of the article to the electronic system, the metadata fields must be filled in according to these guidelines, under penalty of preliminary rejection of the submission.
5.2. Authors
5.2.1. First name/Middle name/Last name: indication of the full name of the author(s) with only the initials of each name in capital letter. In case of articles in co-authorship, the names of all coauthors must be inserted in the system in the order that should appear at the time of publication.
5.2.2. E-mail: indication of the e-mail address of the author(s) for contact, which will mandatorily appear in the published version of the article.
5.2.3. ORCID iD: indication of the number of the author’s ORCID identifier (for further information click here). The ORCID identifier can be obtained in ORCID register. Authors must have to accept the patterns for presentation of ORCID iD and include the full URL (e.g.:
5.2.4. URL: link to the author's full curriculum. In the case of Brazilian authors, the link to the Lattes Curriculum should be indicated.
5.2.5. Affiliation: indication of the author’s main institutional affiliation (or two main affiliations if both of the links with them have the same importance). The main institution is where the author is professor or student, or, in case of not being professor or student anymore, the institution where the authors obtained their major academic title (PhD, J.S.D., LL.M, B.A., etc.). The institution’s name must be written in full (not abbreviated) and in the original language of the institution (or in English for non-Latin languages), followed by an indication of the country of origin of the institution between parentheses. If the author is a professor and also a PhD, J.S.D or LL.M candidate in another institution, the main affiliation will be the institution where the author is candidate.
5.2.6. Country: indication of the country of the author's main institutional affiliation.
5.2.7. Bio Statement: indication of the author’s abbreviated CV, with the information organized in the following sequence: first, the indication of the institution to which the author is affiliated as a professor; second, between parentheses, the city, state/province (if applicable) and country of the institution; third, indication of academic titles (starting with the highest); fourth, other bonds with scientific associations; fifth, profession; etc.
5.3. Title and Abstract:
5.3.1. Title: title in the language of the article, with only the first letter of the sentence in capital letter.
5.3.2. Abstract: abstract in the language of the article, without paragraph or citations and references, with up to 200 words.
5.4. Indexing:
5.4.1. Keywords: indication of 5 keywords in the language of the article (in lower case and separated by semicolons).
5.4.2. Language: indicate the acronym corresponding to the language of the article (Português = en; Français = fr; Español = en; Italiano = it).
5.5. Supporting Agencies: articles resulting from funded research projects should indicate in this field the source of funding.
5.6. References: insert the complete list of references cited in the article, with a space of one line between them.
6. Text Presentation and pre-textual elements
6.1. The article must have between 15 and 30 pages (size A4 - 21 cm × 29,7 cm), including introduction, development and conclusion (not necessarily with these titles) and a bibliographic reference list. The maximum number of pages can be relativized in exceptional cases, decided by the Editorial team.
6.2. Edges (margins) must be: top and left with 3 cm, bottom and right with 2 cm.
6.3. The text must use Font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5, and spacing 0 pt before and after paragraphs.
6.4. References must use Font Times New Roman, size 10, simple space between lines.
6.4. In the development of the text, the paragraphs must contain decrease of 1.5 cm from the left margin. Titles and subtitles must be aligned with the left margin without decrease.
6.6. The structure should observe the following order:
6.6.1. Title in the article’s language, in bold, centralized, with the first letter of the sentence in capital letter.
6.6.2. In case of indicating information related to the article (financing from sponsoring agencies, acknowledgments, translators, etc.), it is necessary to insert a footnote with an asterisk (not number) on the right side of the title in the article’s language.
6.6.3. Title in English, with only the first letter in capital letter, in bold and in italic, centralized. In the case of articles written in English, this element must be substituted by the title in Portuguese.
6.6.4. Qualification of author(s) must have: Indication of author(s) full name(s) in bold and capital letters; Indication of main institutional affiliation (or two main affiliations if both of the links with them have the same importance). The main institution is where the author is professor or student, or, in case of not being professor or student anymore, the institution where the authors obtained their major academic title (PhD, J.S.D., LL.M, B.A., etc.). The institution’s name must be written in full (not abbreviated) and in the original language of the institution (or in English for non-Latin languages), followed by an indication of the country of origin of the institution between parentheses. If the author is a professor and also a PhD, J.S.D or LL.M candidate in another institution, the main affiliation will be the institution where the author is candidate. Indication of email address for contact. Authors must inform the number of their ORCID identifier (for further information click here). The ORCID identifier can be obtained in ORCID register. Authors must have to accept the patterns for presentation of ORCID iD and include the full URL (e.g.: In this case, that information must be indicated below the email address. The previous four elements must be listed one below the other on separate lines, with right alignment. In a footnote with an asterisk (not number), on the right side of the author’s name, it shall appear a mini-CV, with the information organized in the following sequence: first, the indication of the institution to which the author is affiliated as a professor; second, between parentheses, the city, state/province (if applicable) and country of the institution; third, indication of academic titles (starting with the highest); fourth, other bonds with scientific associations; fifth, profession; etc. If the footnote on the right of the title was used to provide article’s information, the note with the mini-CV of the first author must be indicated with two asterisks, the note of the second author with three asterisks, and so on.
6.6.5. Abstract in the article’s language (font Times New Roman, 12, simples lines, without paragraph or quotations and references, until 200 words), preceded by the word “Abstract” written in the article’s language.
6.6.6. Indication of five keywords in the article’s language (in lower case and separated by semicolon), preceded by the expression “Keywords” written in the article’s language.
6.6.7. Abstract in English (font Times New Roman, 12, simples lines, without paragraph or quotations and references, until 200 words), preceded by the word “Abstract”. In case of articles written in English, this element must be replaced by the abstract (“resumen”) in Spanish.
6.6.8. Indication of five keywords in English (in lower case and separated by semicolon), preceded by the expression “Keywords”. In case of articles written in English, this element must be replaced by keywords (“palavras-chave”) in Portuguese.
6.6.9. Table of contents, indicating the titles of the sections and subsections, with progressive numbering in Arabic numbers.
6.6.10. Development of the scientific article: progressive numbering, in Arabic numbers, must be used to make clear the content’s systematization.
6.6.11. Bibliographic references list must bring only sources that were really used, located in the end of the article, separated by a simple space, lined to the left margin (no indent).
6.6.12. Research data: articles that are based on empirical data (example: set of decisions from a particular court) must deposit files with research data in SciELO Data (official data repository), within the Revista Eurolatinoamericana de Derecho Administrativo dataverse. The deposit of research data in the repository must strictly comply with the guidelines of the SciELO Data Research Data Preparation Guide ( After depositing the research data in the journal's dataverse in SciELO Data, the article must include in the list of references at the end, in addition to the cited bibliography, the complete reference to the research data used, containing the following elements: SURNAME, First name. Dataset title [dataset]. Day, month and year. SciELO Data. DOI: DOI link.
Example: BENVINDO, Juliano Zaiden et al. Dados de pesquisa - O estudo do direito constitucional comparado no Brasil: mapeamento das iniciativas e perspectivas de desenvolvimento da área [dataset]. 21 fev. 2024. SciELO Data. DOI: If the article uses more than one set or subset of data, each of them must be cited independently in the list of references.
6.6.13. For other aspects, apply Brazilian technical norms (ABNT NBR 14724:2011).
6.7. Highlights must be made only in italics, meaning that bold, underlined or caps lock, cannot be used to highlight.
6.8. Images and boards must be inserted in the text, not in the end in form of attachments.
7. Scientific Methodology
7.1. The references of books, chapters in collective books, articles, theses, dissertations/essays, monographs of quoted authors used as base to write the text must be mentioned as a reference on the footnotes, with all the information about the text, according to the present Guidelines, and especially, indicating the page of which the information written on the text was taken, right after the reference.
7.1.1. Book’s title (or journal’s title) must be highlighted in bold (italics shall not be used for that purpose).
7.1.2. Articles written in the format AUTHOR:YEAR will not be accepted for publishing.
7.1.3. References shall appear as follows: Books: LAST NAME, Name Middle Name. Title of the book in bold: subtitle not in bold. Number of the edition. City: Publisher, Year.
Example: CLÈVE, Clèmerson Merlin. Atividade legislativa do Poder Executivo. 3. ed. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2011. Chapter in a collective book:
LAST NAME, Name Middle Name. Title of the Chapter not in bold. In: ORGANIZER’S LAST NAME, Name Middle Name; 2ND ORGANIZER’S LAST NAME, Name Middle Name, and so on, separated by semicolon (Org. or Coord.). Title of the book in bold: subtitle not in bold. Number of the edition. City: Publisher, Year. first page-last page [preceded by “p.”]
Example: SALGADO, Eneida Desiree; COUTO, Mariele Pena de. Uma proposta para o controle social: um olhar prospectivo sobre a transparência e a probidade. In: BLANCHET, Luiz Alberto; HACHEM, Daniel Wunder; SANTANO, Ana Claudia (Coord.). Estado, direito e políticas públicas: homenagem ao professor Romeu Felipe Bacellar Filho. Curitiba: Íthala, 2014. p. 149-164. Articles in journals:
LAST NAME, Name Middle Name. Title of the article not in bold. Title of the journal in bold, city, volume, number, first page-last page [preceded by “p.”], months of publishing [abbreviated with the first three letters of the month followed by dot and separated by a slash]. Year.
Example: PERLINGEIRO, Ricardo. Brazil’s administrative justice system in a comparative context. Revista de Investigações Constitucionais, Curitiba, vol. 1, n. 3, p. 33-58, set./dez. 2014. Theses of Full Professor contests, Doctoral theses, Master’s dissertations/essays, Undergraduate and Graduate courses monographs: LAST NAME, Name Middle Name. Title in bold: subtitle. City, year. number of pages followed by “f”. Kind of the work (Degree obtained with the defense) – Department or Sector, Name of the institution.
Example: HACHEM, Daniel Wunder. Tutela administrativa efetiva dos direitos fundamentais sociais: por uma implementação espontânea, integral e igualitária. Curitiba, 2014. 614 p. Thesis (Doctorate) – Doctorate in Law Program, Federal University of Paraná. Research data: the reference of the research data set, if applicable (see items to, above), must contain the following elements: SURNAME, First name. Dataset title [dataset]. Day, month and year. SciELO Data. DOI: DOI link.
Example: BENVINDO, Juliano Zaiden et al. Dados de pesquisa - O estudo do direito constitucional comparado no Brasil: mapeamento das iniciativas e perspectivas de desenvolvimento da área [dataset]. 21 fev. 2024. SciELO Data. DOI:
7.1.4. The elements of references must observe the following model: Author: LAST NAME in capital letters, comma, Name with the initials in capital letters, Middle Name with the initials in capital letters, followed by a dot. Edition: the information must only be included after the second edition of the book, without ordinal, followed by a dot and “ed.”. Example: 2. ed. Year: it must be written with Arabic numerals, without dot in thousand, preceded by comma, and followed by a dot. Example: 1997.
7.1.5. In case of being absolutely impossible to find one of those elements, the absence must be resolved in the following manner: Absence of city: replace for [s.l.]. Absence of publisher: replace for [s.n.]. Absence of year: the approximated year must be indicated between brackets, followed by a question mark. Example: [1998?].
7.1.6 Beyond the bibliographic references and the corresponding citation methodology, it is necessary that the data used in the research are also cited in the references. In the case of data with a unique identifier, it is necessary to refer to it. All references must have at least: author(s), title, date, type of resource, version, and edition, and persistent unique identifier.
7.2. The quotations (words, expressions, sentences) must be carefully reviewed by the authors and/or translators.
7.2.1. The direct quotations must follow this pattern: transcription until four lines should fit in the text body, with normal letter, normal spacing and quotation marks.
7.2.2. It is strongly recommended that long textual quotations (more than four lines) are not used. However, if indispensable, they shall constitute an independent paragraph, with 1,5 cm of decrease related to the left margin (justified alignment), with simple lines and font 10. In that situation, quotation marks must not be used.
7.2.3. It is forbidden the use of “op. cit.”, “ibidem” and “idem” in the footnotes. The references in footnote must be complete and written out.
7.2.4. For the mention of authors in the text body, it is forbidden the use of capital letters (e.g.: for Name LAST NAME…). In this case all mentions shall be written only with the first letter in capital letter (ex.: for Name Last Name...).
8. Text writing
8.1. Apart from having an adequate scientific language for an editorial publication, the text must be reviewed.
8.2. In the case of articles written in Portuguese, the writing must obey the new orthographic rules in force since the promulgation of the Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement, from January 1st, 2009.
8.3. Citations of texts that precede the Agreement must respect the original spelling.
9. Articles resulted from funded researches
Articles resulted from funded research projects shall indicate in a footnote, located at the end of the article title in the original language, the information related to the research financing.
10. Copyright statement
Authors who publish in this Journal have to agree to the following terms:
10.1. No copyright or any other remuneration for the publication of papers will be due.
10.2. Authors retain copyright and grant the Euro-Latin American Administrative Law Review the right of first publication with the article simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows sharing the work with recognition of its initial publication in this Journal.
10.3. Authors are allowed and encouraged to post their work online (eg.: in institutional repositories or on their personal webpage) at any point before or during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as increase the impact and citation of published work (see The Effect of Open Access).
11. Authors responsibilities
11.1. Authors are responsible for the published content, committing therefore to participate actively in the discussion of the results of their scientific research, as well as the review process and approval of the final version of the work.
11.2. Authors are responsible for the conducting all of the scientific research, as well as its results and validity.
11.3. Authors should report the Journal about any conflict of interest.
11.4. Authors are fully and exclusively responsible for the opinions expressed in their articles.
11.5. When submitting the articles, authors recognize that all statements contained in the manuscript are true or based on research with reasonable accuracy.
12. Conflict of interest
The public confidence in the double blind peer review process and the credibility of published articles depend in part on how conflicts of interest are managed during manuscript writing, peer review and decision making by the editors.
12.1. It is mandatory that the author of the manuscript declares the existence or not of conflicts of interest. Even thinking that there are no conflicts of interest, the author must declare this information in the article submission act, marking that particular field.
12.2. Conflicts of interest may appear when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that, apparently or not, may influence the development or evaluation of manuscripts.
12.3. When authors submit a manuscript, they are responsible for recognizing and revealing financial or other nature conflicts that may have influenced their work.
12.4. Authors must recognize all the financial support for the work and other financial or personal connections related to the research. The contributions of people who are mentioned in the acknowledgments for their assistance in the research must be described, and its consent to publication should be documented.
12.5. Manuscripts will not be simply dismissed because of a conflict of interest. A statement that there is or not a conflict of interest has to be made.
12.6. The ad hoc reviewers must also reveal to editors any conflicts of interest that could influence their opinions about the manuscript, and must declare themselves unqualified to review specific documents if they believe that this procedure is appropriate. In the case of the authors, if there is silence from the peer reviewers about potential conflicts, it will mean that conflicts do not exist.
12.7. If a conflict of interest on the part of the peer reviewers is identified, the Editorial Board will send the manuscript to another ad hoc reviewer.
12.8. If the authors are not sure about what might constitute a potential conflict of interest, they should contact the Journal’s Editor-in-Chief.
12.9. In cases in which members of the Editorial Team or some other member publish frequently in the Journal, it will not be given any special or different treatment. All submitted papers will be evaluated by double blind peer review procedure.
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish in this Journal agree to the following terms:
- Authors retain copyright and grant the Journal of Constitutional Research the right of first publication with the article simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International which allows sharing the work with recognition of the authors and its initial publication in this Journal.
- Authors are able to take on additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the paper published in this Journal (eg.: publishing in institutional repository or as a book), with a recognition of its initial publication in this Journal.
- Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish their work online (eg.: in institutional repositories or on their personal website) at any point before or during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as increase the impact and the citation of the published work (see the Effect of Open Access).
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses informed in this Journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.