Prohibition of regression of social rights and the right to health in Venezuela


  • Jessica Vivas Roso Universidad Central de Venezuela



social rights, public policies, progressivity, rule of law, right to health


The situation of the right to health in Venezuela is analyzed through the parameters required by the prohibition of regressive social rights, with a view to determining whether there is a regression in the access and enjoyment of the right to health. To this end, the prohibition of regressive social rights is studied, with emphasis on the regressiveness of the results of a public policy. Second, the content of the right to health is reviewed, understood as a benefit right which requires political, legislative, economic and technical development to ensure its expansion and coverage to the entire population. Third, the data of the national hospital survey (ENH) developed since 2014 by the organization Medicos Unidos por la Salud and the Grupo de Investigación de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales de Venezuela (GIDETI) are presented and the results of the monitoring of the national public budget carried out by the organization Transparencia Venezuela to demonstrate the current situation of the right to health in Venezuela, presenting conclusions as the last point. The methodology used for this research is exploratory, secondary and documentary. Research was conducted on academic publications on the study topic and data collected by the above-mentioned organizations were reviewed. Subsequently, information and data analysis were carried out to respond to the premise of the investigation. It is concluded that in Venezuela there is a regression in the enjoyment and access to the right to health that has put the lives of Venezuelans at risk, which shows a failure of the State to guarantee the effective enjoyment of social rights, which aggravates the complex humanitarian emergency that this country is going through.

Author Biography

Jessica Vivas Roso, Universidad Central de Venezuela




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How to Cite

VIVAS ROSO, J. Prohibition of regression of social rights and the right to health in Venezuela. Euro-Latin American Journal of Administrative Law, Santa Fe, v. 9, n. 1, p. 43–60, 2022. DOI: 10.14409/redoeda.v9i1.11492. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.