Public service as a policy in the field of fundamental rights: implications


  • Miguel Angel Arrúa Gobo Universidad Nacional del Litoral



public service, state, administrative law, fundamental rights, dignity


One of the legal constructions that has had the most evolution, conceptual and content divergences, has been and is that of the Public Service, mainly because of its particular inclusion in the theories about the State but also because of its scope as a guarantee tool for human rights. , given the evolution of Administrative Law and the generation of regulatory convergence spaces that require answers different from those tested in the last century. This article will briefly address the transformation of the notion of Public Service from the perspective of fundamental rights, its inclusion in typologies elaborated by the doctrine and the implications of a schematization that, under the influence of conventional developments that are part of the block of existing juridicity and doctrinaire interpretation, decant in a proposal closely related to the application -in this field- of the principle of joint action as a guarantee technique of the prerogatives committed in the analyzed figure, being here a fertile ground for the development of such precept.

Author Biography

Miguel Angel Arrúa Gobo, Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Doctorando en Derecho, Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Santa Fe, Argentina). Miembro del Grupo de Coordinación Docente de la Especialización en Derecho Administrativo. Especialista en Derecho Administrativo (UNL), Especialista en Asesoramiento Jurídico del Estado (ECAE-PTN), Especialista en Derecho Notarial (UNL), Abogado (UNL), Miembro de Grupos de Investigación en la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Miembro de la Asociación Argentina de Derecho Administrativo, del Foro de Jóvenes Administrativistas, y la Asociación Entrerriana de Derecho Administrativo. Director General de Asuntos Jurídicos del Ministerio de Gobierno y Justicia de la Provincia de Entre Ríos. Autor de diversas publicaciones en su especialidad y disertante en congresos afines a la misma. 


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How to Cite

ARRÚA GOBO, M. A. Public service as a policy in the field of fundamental rights: implications. Euro-Latin American Journal of Administrative Law, Santa Fe, v. 5, n. 1, p. 69–84, 2018. DOI: 10.14409/redoeda.v5i1.8858. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.