The impact of the active protection of fundamental rights in the administration’s discretion


  • Nicolas Guzman Berón Universidad Nacional del Litoral



fundamental rights, discretion, standard of minimum satisfaction, undetermined law concepts, administration’s reform


The objective of the present work is to demonstrate that contemporary conceptions of the fundamental human rights, demand to de State a complex of positive actions that modify its discretion. The article describes two of the consequences of this conception. One, about the possibility to demand them through a trial, where we conclude that despite the difficulties that implies, it is necessary in cases where exist a violation of a minimum standard of satisfaction of these rights. The second defends the necessity to reform the administration to fulfill it´s obligations.

Author Biography

Nicolas Guzman Berón, Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Abogado – Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Santa Fe, Argentina). Colaborador en grupo de investigación CAI+D 2016 (UNL).


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How to Cite

Berón, N. G. (2018). The impact of the active protection of fundamental rights in the administration’s discretion. Euro-Latin American Journal of Administrative Law, 5(1), 105–120.