Safe luminous spaces configuration in exhibit rooms

Dynamic evaluation of the visual and lighting comfort




architecture; coast; history; tourism; Uruguay


Daylighting provides significant benefits in architectural spaces, providing dynamism and enhancing the experience of the occupants in terms of wellbeing, health, and luminous and visual comfort; while leveraging energy sustainability. However, art exhibits have a difficult relationship with sunlight, as its variability makes for complications to control it, such as potential glare to occupants and artwork conservation issues due to overexposure to light. 

In this research I explore the luminous qualities of such spaces in Arica, Santiago and Punta Arenas to create a luminous ambience that allows for the artwork preservation without affecting the wellbeing of visitors. Through the measure of dynamic daylight metrics, findings show the best results to attain a comfortable luminous ambient were UDI 100-3000lux and ASE 1000/250hours . The daylight Glare Probability (DGP) index was used to rate human visual comfort, along with the UDI 0-200lux and ASE 1000/0hours modified metrics which allowed to rate the luminous security for artwork. From the results’ analysis, I concluded that the key factor is illuminance range max tolerance of 200 lux (IESNA, 2011), excluding direct daylight, accepting an imperceptible DGP percentage.


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Author Biography

Jeannette Auristela Roldán Rojas, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Universidad de Chile

Doctora en Tecnología y Construcción Arquitectónicas.

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Experiencia investigativa: 

Ha desarrollado investigación en vivienda, arquitectura bioclimática y sostenibilidad energética. Especialmente dedicándose a estudios de iluminación natural y desempeños energéticos: Proyecto FAU 2.0 Research by design. 2019

“Evaluación del confort lumínico a partir de una cubierta luminosa basada en panel acrílico tratado con láser. Estudio en un modelo de atrio en Santiago” .Presentado en Arquisur 2021

2019 Roldán, J; Soto, P; Eliash, H. (2019). Evaluación dinámica de control solar lumínico, propuestas en biblioteca de arquitectura moderna. Estoa. Revista De La Facultad De Arquitectura Y Urbanismo De La Universidad De Cuenca, 9 (18), 125 - 137.

2017 julio. Ponencia y exposición, “Daylight performance depending on the atrium geometry conditions within buildings in Santiago, Chile”. Congreso PLEA (Pasive Low Energy in Architecture). Edinburgh. Scotland. En actas del Congreso; p.p. 3348 - 3355. ISBN 978-0-9928957-5-4.



How to Cite

Aravena Riffo, J. I., & Roldán Rojas, J. A. (2022). Safe luminous spaces configuration in exhibit rooms: Dynamic evaluation of the visual and lighting comfort. ARQUISUR Revista, 12(21), 48–63.