Comparative analysis of social housing in Brazil and Colombia from a resilient design perspective

Study cases: Passo Fundo y Tunja


  • Valentina Nieto Barbosa Programa de Posgrado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Escola Politécnica da IMED
  • Grace Tibério Cardoso Programa de Posgrado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Escola Politécnica da IMED



quality of social housing; climate change; sustainability; construction technologies; clean technologies


With the accelerated growth of Latin American cities during the last decades, civil construction has skyrocketed considerably. With this, an increase in the demand for social housing, especially in the middle cities due to the search of the inhabitants to improve their quality of life and comfort. However, one of the biggest consequences of this urban growth is its environmental impact and therefore the increase in the effects of climate change. According to the above, the objective of the work is to compare the characteristics of social housing projects in two medium cities in Latin America (Passo Fundo and Tunja). To this end, three methodological stages were proposed: geolocation, area/cost analysis and materiality analysis, which will allow, in addition to identifying relevances and singularities, to discuss their resilience potential. The overall picture of social housing in these cities was found to be very similar to each other. Likewise, it was concluded that, among other things, from the perspective of resilience, low environmental impact materials are not being used for the construction of these homes, despite the growing attempt to achieve more sustainable projects in the region.

Author Biographies

Valentina Nieto Barbosa, Programa de Posgrado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Escola Politécnica da IMED

Arquitecta Maestranda y bolsista del Programa de Posgrado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Escola Politécnica, Atitus Educação, Campus Santa Terezinha, Passo Fundo, Brasil

Grace Tibério Cardoso, Programa de Posgrado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Escola Politécnica da IMED

Arquitecta y Doctora en Ciencias de Ingeniería Ambiental. Profesora e Investigadora del Programa de Posgrado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Escola Politécnica, Atitus Educação, Campus Santa Terezinha, Passo Fundo, Brasil



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How to Cite

Nieto Barbosa, V., & Cardoso, G. T. (2022). Comparative analysis of social housing in Brazil and Colombia from a resilient design perspective : Study cases: Passo Fundo y Tunja. ARQUISUR Revista, 12(22), 78–87.