The unknown work of a Uruguayan architect: Otilia Muras


  • Nadia Ostraujov Instituto de Historia. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República
  • Tatiana Rimbaud Instituto de Historia. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República



architecture, design, historiography, modernity, Uruguay


Otilia Muras was an architect, designer, teacher, and researcher. She practiced the liberal profession with Héctor Giraldi — her husband and partner — with whom she designed, directed, and managed tens of architectural works and pieces of furniture in Uruguay. She was a teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Architecture and one of the first directors of the Institute of Architectural History (IHA, for its Spanish initials). She had an active university participation, was a prominent academic community member and the author of various research works. This text is presented as a biographical review and addresses some aspects of the architect's work with the aim of spreading, problematizing, and valuing her contributions in various areas of the discipline. This first approach aims at the rescue of a legacy of great academic and professional interest. Muras's work contributed to the institutional construction of the faculty, from the startup of the IHA to the pursuit of standards and rigor of scientific research. Likewise, the unknown work of the Muras-Giraldi studio constitutes a high-quality production gift to the city, which reflects ethical commitment and vital dedication to the architectural thought.

Author Biographies

Nadia Ostraujov, Instituto de Historia. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República

Arquitecta egresada de FADU, Udelar. Se desempeña como Arquitecta independiente en Terraza- estudio. Ayudante docente del Instituto de Historia (FADU-Udelar). Integra el Grupo de Investigación Arquitectas Uruguayas del (IH-FADU-Udelar). Docente en curso de grado Transversal de Patrimonio (FADU-Udelar).

Tatiana Rimbaud, Instituto de Historia. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República

Arquitecta, Diplomada en Intervención en el Patrimonio Arquitectónico, Magíster en Arquitectura, perfil historia, teoría y crítica (FADU, Udelar). Candidata a Doctora en Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura (UPC). Investigadora categorizada en el SNI. Asistente académica de FADU, docente del Instituto de Historia (FADU-Udelar). Integra el Grupo de Investigación Arquitectas Uruguayas del (IH- FADU, Udelar).


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How to Cite

Ostraujov, N., & Rimbaud, T. (2023). The unknown work of a Uruguayan architect: Otilia Muras. ARQUISUR Revista, 13(24), 142–153.