Indicators of the right to a housing appropriate, in the interpretation authorized in the Covenant DESC

Evaluation of the housing programme


  • Dra. Arq. Ana Nuñez Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



política habitacional; segregación socio especial; valorización del suelo


The problem dealing with the article concerns al ¿what is the joint between the legal, political, economic and social aspects in order to the right to adequate housing? ¿What variables and indicators are respected in their realization? ¿What indicators are abused and in what was improved, with regard to the previous housing situation? The empirical work refers to the process of relocation of the inhabitants of a precarious settlement, and its impact on social relationships and new conditions of habitability, analyzing the arguments that the various actors come into play, ensuring the purpose of increasing the recovery of land, and deepen the socio-spatial segregation. Methodologically, we work with different sources, both primary (interviews semi structured staff and families, then processed with software Atlas Ti) as secondary.
The results visibilizan a policy inefficient, ineffective and unsustainable, with effects diametrically opposed to the growing international recommendations and, even, to the specified requirements in the rules of the different territorial levels, where the prevailing private gains, above appropriation the right to the enjoyment of the collective construction of the city.

Author Biography

Dra. Arq. Ana Nuñez, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Arquitecta (UNMdP); Maestro en Ciencias Sociales, mención Sociología (FLACSO) y doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Actualmente, está en trámite su título como Especialista en Políticas y Mercados de Suelo en América latina (Universidad Nacional de Colombia). Es profesora-investigadora y directora del Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo Urbano, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina), y de la Cátedra de Urbanismo de la Facultad de Arquitectura, y profesora contratada en la Facultad de Humanidades, de la misma universidad. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Universitarios del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, Categoría I (máxima). Su línea de investigación actual son las formas socioterritoriales de apropiación del habitar y políticas urbanas.



How to Cite

Nuñez, D. A. A. (2014). Indicators of the right to a housing appropriate, in the interpretation authorized in the Covenant DESC: Evaluation of the housing programme. ARQUISUR Revista, 3(4), 160–177.