On what is assessable in designs’ projects

Questions from a period of uncertainty


  • DGV María Gabriela Macagno Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad Nacional del LitoraL
  • Lic. en Historia Sergio Peralta Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad Nacional del LitoraL




metacognition; design management; project; professional common sense


Reflexive document not derived from research. Some questions are proposed –starting from the analysis of assessment practices at Taller de Diseño I v at FADU-UNL– to reflect on what is assessable and teachable under the current crisis and reformulation of management [proyectualidad] and functionalism design paradigms. This proposal interrogates teachers’ modes of learning, the boundaries of the “raw material» offered by students which is in the beginning of teachers’ judgment criteria and also evaluation criteria.



How to Cite

Macagno, D. M. G., & Peralta, L. en H. S. (2014). On what is assessable in designs’ projects: Questions from a period of uncertainty. ARQUISUR Revista, 3(4), 202–217. https://doi.org/10.14409/ar.v1i4.4431