The environmentally conscious design of the habitat
Conceptualizations from academic and extra-academic approaches
environmental architecture, sustainable development, habitat, knowledge, technologyAbstract
This paper discusses the assumptions and intentions that mobilize the discussions and approaches around the Environmentally Conscious Design of the Habitat (DACH), both from the scientific-academic sector and from peripheral non-institutionalized experiences. Concepts and theories from the field of Social Studies of Technology are recovered for the construction of an analytical-reflexive framework that allows carrying out such inquiries. The study, in the scientific-academic sector, is limited to the presented papers in the fields of discussion of the Argentine Association of Renewable Energies and Environment (ASADES) while, in extra-academic experiences, the analysis is cut to five cases that promote the principles of Permaculture located in San Marcos Sierras (Córdoba, Argentina). The article manages to highlight different meanings under which the environmental problem is currently addressed, evidencing different possible paths.
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