Regulation process of Architecture Competitions in Uruguay, 1900-1930


  • Arq. Tatiana Rimbaud Blengini Instituto de Historia de la Arquitectura. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Universidad de la República



competition, legislation, professional associations, architects, history


This text ponders on the process of installation and consolidation of the regulations of architectural competitions in Uruguay and in those who promote it. Understanding the regulations and their genesis is a tool to approach the relationships and interests of the architectural community of the country, in a highly significant period for its identity conformation. Between 1900 and 1930 the proposals were varying according to the recommendations of the congresses and the problems that were presented in the competitions. Several moments of interest are identified along the route: the concern of Acosta and Lara (1899-1906), the struggle of the professional associations (Baroffio, 1907, and SAU, 1923), the attempts at regulation from the state (Jones Brown, 1924 and Albo - García Selgas, 1924) and the definitive text of SAU (1929). The SAU regulation published in 1930 is the conclusion of a long and controversial process of discussion in the architectural community of Uruguay, and it determines the ethical ideal in the contests held in the country thereafter.

Author Biography

Arq. Tatiana Rimbaud Blengini, Instituto de Historia de la Arquitectura. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Universidad de la República

Arquitecta por la Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Diplomada en Intervención en el Patrimonio Arquitectónico, actualmente cursa Maestría en Arquitectura, perfil historia, teoría y crítica en la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Udelar.
Ayudante del Instituto de Historia de Arquitectura, de la Transversal Patrimonio, y del Servicio de Investigación y Extensión, FADU-Udelar. Integra el grupo de investigación CSIC en artes aplicadas a la arquitectura con valor patrimonial. Ha colaborado en diversos trabajos de investigación y publicaciones del Instituto de Historia como los dedicados a Serralta - Clèmot, De los Campos, Puente, Tournier y Nómada, entre otros.



How to Cite

Rimbaud Blengini, A. T. (2019). Regulation process of Architecture Competitions in Uruguay, 1900-1930. ARQUISUR Revista, 9(15), 50–65.