A look from the inside

The landscape as a significant subject.


  • Dr. Arq. Carlos Pantaleón Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República.




aesthetics, ecclesiastical architecture, perception, sacred space and profane space, Tadao Ando


This work of reflection investigates the meaning of the word landscape and its value in the architectural work. It is based on the research carried out on different landscape concepts defined from the perceptual processes of man, on the imaginary ones that he forms as a product of those processes and the incidence of those imaginary in his cultural formation, and the behavior he performs in the world from the incorporation of those imaginary.

In this particular case, and with the objective of reflecting on some of the notions from which a building is designed, the architectural work is considered as an intermediary between the subject that inhabits it and the environment that contains it, conceived as a device for provoke sensations through images projected by the architect.

A synthesis of the history of the landscape in Occident and in Orient prefaces the work and defines the theoretical framework of this work, while exposing and documenting the concepts that are handled here. From these concepts and as a conclusion, we reflect on the contributions made by the Church in Water, designed and built by the Japanese architect Tadao Ando, ​​to this particular approach to the subject.

Author Biography

Dr. Arq. Carlos Pantaleón, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República.

Doctor en Teoría y Práctica del Proyecto de Arquitectura por la ETSA UPM - España.
Especialista en Conservación y Restauración de Monumentos y Centros Históricos por Universidad Federal da Bahía - Brasil.
Profesor Agregado Gº4 del Instituto de Diseño - FADU/UDELAR.
Prof. Adjunto Gº3 Taller de Proyectos FADU/UDELAR.
Prof. Titular Gº5 Medios y Técnicas de Expresión FADU/UDELAR.



How to Cite

Pantaleón, D. A. C. (2019). A look from the inside: The landscape as a significant subject. ARQUISUR Revista, 9(16), 40–53. https://doi.org/10.14409/ar.v9i16.8458