Rent and summer vacation

Construction of rental buildings in Mar del Plata (1930-1948)


  • Victor Nahuel Pegoraro Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



construction, Mar del Plata, apartments, rental buildings, rent law


The article analyzes the construction of rental housing in Mar del Plata, one of the most important summer vacation destinations of Argentina. Based on urban history the article focuses on regulations and the most important architectural styles which evidenced the functionality of the apartments. These apartment buildings changed the architectural landscape of Mar del Plata as well as tourist lodging options. They also contributed to the profiling of Mar del Plata as a middle-class tourist city, leaving behind the restrictive offer to elites which charachterized the former period.

Author Biography

Victor Nahuel Pegoraro, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Profesor, Licenciado, Magíster (UNMdP) y Doctor en Historia (UdeSA)



How to Cite

Pegoraro, V. N. (2020). Rent and summer vacation: Construction of rental buildings in Mar del Plata (1930-1948). ARQUISUR Revista, 10(18), 18–33.