Hypermedia digital materials: a new way of teaching and learning in the university environment?


  • Juan Manuel Rudi Universidad Nacional del Litoral
  • Paula Inés Gatti
  • María Silvina Reyes




hypermedia digital materials, Organic Chemistry, university education


Many disciplinary contents can be communicated more efficiently by using multiple languages. This multimodality has led to the emergence of hypermedia teaching materials, which offer educational content through different semiotic modes and are characterized by being interactive, susceptible to being modified and flexible in their path, allowing the user to navigate the resource from one non-linear way. This article reflects on the usefulness of this type of educational materials in the university environment, through the description of two examples designed to address the structuring contents of Organic Chemistry in different undergraduate courses at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. The characteristics of the current student body merit an in-depth analysis of educational practices and the materials used, encouraging the development of new quality resources that stimulate the creative capacity of teachers for the communication of information. In this way, its impact on the learning process can be evaluated in the future.


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