Baroque narrative: devotional theatricality of Virgen de la Caridad in Chiapas, Mexico
baroque, dramatism, staging, sculpture, corporal memory, narrativeAbstract
The present article exposes some of the historical and social conditions which took part in the emergence and expansion of baroque art over the seventeenth Century in Europe. It aims at showing the features of an artistic conception that developed both in Europe and all over the Spanish colonies of America and, still observable today in different regions of Mexico. Through the particular case of what occurs around the cult of La Virgen de la Caridad in the city of San Cristóbal de las Casas, in Southeast Mexico, it is aimed to expose how the arts of performance from baroque origins constituted a scenic culture in the indigenous and half–blood population of this region. A theatrical culture that takes part in the staging of living and from which new narratives have been shaped to bring out to scene their people’s social existence.
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