Latin America in transit: between fact and fiction, historical experiences in times of crisis
Latin America, identity, fact and fiction, cultural memoryAbstract
This article intends to investigate some possibilities of dialogue between literature and history as a support to produce modulating images of the concept of Latin America in transit. When considering the passage from the archaic and the mythical to the historical reality, the initial aim is to map the outline of the cultural transformations that took place in the last quarter of the 20th century. The context gave rise to new perceptions about memory and identity to the prerogative of the emergence of journalists who, as we tried to show through the tracing of the Brazilian Josué Guimarães, swelled a generation of novelists responsible for renewing the literary scene. Finally, we consider how such historical records update the notions of subjectivity and time applied to a concept of America in constant creation, deconstruction and reconstruction.
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