As long as there is a world. Seisms and their replicas in Villoro’s writings
Literature and catastrophe, Juan Villoro, chronicleAbstract
The representation of the earthquake and its aftershocks is a recurring subject in Juan Villoro’s writings. It may be seen throughout chronicles, novels and essays in which the imminence of the end and the sudden gift of survival trigger meditations that intertwine literature, personal memories, collective experiences, ethics and politics. This text discusses two of Villoro’s books that dwell on quakes. The first one is 8.8 El miedo en el Espejo (2010), “a fragmentary chronicle” written after the author experienced the Chilean earthquake in 2010, which is relatable to the Mexican one in 1985; the second, El vertigo horizontal (2018), a book dedicated to Mexico City which ends in a fragment about the last quake to jolt the capital in 2017 and a litany published two days after this last catastrophe (for the time being). Metaphoric connections between the seismic event and the literary, the political and the possibilities of life in common are explored throughout the reading.
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