New perspectives on experimenting cultural management
extension course, teaching, public administration, cultural activities, cultural managementAbstract
The course «International Encounters: the Brazilian Among Other Hispanics, affinity, contrasts and possible futures in their interrelationships» is a research and extension project of artistic–cultural initiation offered by the coordination of extension of the Public Management course for the Economic and Social Development of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in partnership with the Instituto Cervantes of Rio de Janeiro. It aims to follow a democratic, public and free path for the general public, as it comes from the Public University that creates this scope conducive to fair discussions that adapts to those literary aspects of culture that are close to ours. Treating literature as something to which one must donate completely to portray subjects little discussed, aiming not only to bring readers closer, but to bring new authors giving voice to Ibero–Americans, permeated by the visualization of the scope of a new way of understanding management public from the perspective of cultural management.
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