About the emergence and development of modern cinema in Argentina.


  • Enzo Moreira Facca CIC-UNICEN-TECC




Argentine modern cinema, Film history, Cinema Aesthetics


In this article we will seek to problematize about the development of modern cinema in
Argentina, for which we will carry out a historical review around the various waves of
these aesthetic impulses, where we recognize two different ones: a first wave of
independent authors outside the studio system, which go along with the development of
the new cinemas during the 60's; and a second wave that began after the military coup in
1966 and was promoted by filmmakers that came from the new booming media, such as
advertising and television. Within this second wave, we can identify two tendencies: the
films shooted by militant groups and, on the other hand, the ones made by avant-garde
groups; for the last ones, we seek to describe the different expressions that existed within
the same cultural context. As a conclusion, we find that the new aesthetic concerns
emerging within artistic environments lead to the development of a cinema outside the film



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How to Cite

Moreira Facca, E. (2024). About the emergence and development of modern cinema in Argentina. Culturas, (17), e0026. https://doi.org/10.14409/culturas.2023.17.e0026


