The appropriation of footage and its implications for the perspective of gender in the documentary Con la pata quebrada

en el documental Con la pata quebrada (Diego Galán, 2013)


  • Évelyne Coutel Escuela Normal Superior de Lyon, Francia,



Spanish cinema, gender studies, female role models, stereotypes, femme fatale


This paper analyzes the appropriation of archives in the compilation documentary Con la pataquebrada, which allows us to see the various positions that women have occupied in Spanish films from the thirties to the dawn of the twenty–first century, as well as the discourses produced about them in these films. This work considers how the film fulfills its manifest intention of showing the underlying chauvinism in some dominating representations of femininity, in particular when it underlines the perpetuation of arquetypes such as the femme fatale which is part of a Manichaean vision of femininity. On the other hand, this research also highlights the elements that contradict the project of criticism of Iberianchauvinism, notably when the film reveals the conception of the female body as spectacle and its instrumentalizationfor political purposes which characterizes many productions of the seventies. Thus, it is possible to show the film’s tendency to ambiguity and its counterproductive effects.

Author Biography

Évelyne Coutel, Escuela Normal Superior de Lyon, Francia,

es Profesora titular de la Escuela Normal Superior de Lyon, donde es miembro del IHRIM (Instituto de  Historia de las Representaciones y de las Ideas en las Modernidades). Doctora por la Universidad Paris  IV-París Sorbona. En su tesis doctoral ha estudiado la recepción de Greta Garbo en la cultura  cinematográfica española de la primera mitad del siglo XX, basándose principalmente en las revistas  especializadas de aquel periodo. Sus temas de investigación se ubican dentro de la historia cultural del  cine. Incluyen sobre todo el estudio de los modelos femeninos difundidos a través de la cultura cinematográfica y abarcan también problemáticas como el concepto de autor cinematográfico o las  relaciones entre el cine y las demás artes.



How to Cite

Coutel, Évelyne. (2018). The appropriation of footage and its implications for the perspective of gender in the documentary Con la pata quebrada: en el documental Con la pata quebrada (Diego Galán, 2013). Culturas, (12), 63–82.



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