The ashes of Trotsky. Paulo Leminski, the real and the political imagination
poetry, real, Paulo Leminski, Trostky, PasoliniAbstract
This text examines the poemby Paulo Leminski (1944-1989) dedicatedto Natalia and Leon Trotsky. This poem hasgreat importance in hiswork. The text, written in firstperson, presents the Brazilian poetan dhiscontexto femergence and performance between the 60’s and the 80’s andfinisheswith a recent speech by Alain Badiou, «A la recherché duré el perdu» (2015) whosemain object is thepoem «The ashesof Gramsci» by Pier Paolo Pasolini. Its political melancholyis similar tothatof the poemby the Brazilian writer, whohasbeen one of the mos timportan tintelectuals in the country by the endof theXX th century. In additiontosituating him in this scene and toconsider poetry in the present time, the textintendstodiscuss whose «The ashesof Trotsky» are in Leminski’svision.