Avant–Garde Aesthetics, political culture and colloquial poetics in the intellectual left–wing publications of the 1960s
argentine journals, literary left, colloquial poetics andavant–garde aesthetics, political cultureAbstract
This article aims to examine writers’projects that result from three periodical publications ofthe1960s in Argentina, Zona de la poesíaamericana, El Barrileteand Hoy en la cultura, focusing on a common dimension to all of them:the programmatic approach to the redefinition of poetic work, or the «problem of referentiality in writing» (Porrúa, 1992), in pursuit of a new way of talking about the referent and from a placement contrary to that of the Avant–GardeAesthetics. It discusses this aspect from the examination of programmatic texts, essays on the theory of art, and inquiries about the relationship between the poet and the poem, collected in the pages of these three journals. This will allow for the research of the linkage between Zona..., El Barrilete and Hoy en la cultura, with the aesthetics of French surrealism and with some of its most relevant figures.