Penitentiary dis-connection: impacts of Covid-19 on the exchange between the inside and the outside of prison walls




social connectivity, significant others, incarcerated people, COVID-19


This study analyzed the barriers for the connectivity in the penitentiary system in the COVID-19 context and its impacts in the flow of the bonds between incarcerated people and their significant others. It’s understood that connectivity between the inside and outside of prison is a process that not only implies contact hours, but the bond’s quality. In this qualitative study, 14 semi-structured interviews were made to people related to the Peruvian penitentiary system during the health emergency (people who had significant bonds with incarcerated people, National Penitentiary Institute workers and NGO workers). There has been found structural barriers for connectivity (deficiency of resources and penitentiary overpopulation); ideological barriers (prevalence of control and security discourse); and representational barriers (perception of the civil society’s role in the penitentiary system). Furthermore, it was found that said barriers generate the break of three types of flow: the affective ones (emotional exchange between the inside and the outside); the material ones (exchange of goods); and the informative ones (exchange of communication). Therefore, it’s evidenced that the prison facilities in Peru work in a porous and permeable way, although from the institution those flows are made invisible.


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How to Cite

Bracco Bruce, L., Hildenbrand Mellet, A., Wakeham Nieri, A., Garcés León, A., & Velázquez Castro, T. (2023). Penitentiary dis-connection: impacts of Covid-19 on the exchange between the inside and the outside of prison walls. Delito Y Sociedad, (55), e0083.


