Media Archaeology and Literary Studies




media, literary theory, media archaeology, Friedrich Kittler, Marshall McLuhan


The relationship between literature and the media has been the subject of debate for many decades. Although this debate was often presented in the simplified form of a confrontation, there were numerous critics and theorists who aspired to associate problems of literary theory and analysis with the study of the media and their effects on society and human consciousness. In recent years, «media archaeology» has made its appearance in the intellectual landscape of the humanities as an attempt to rethink the storage, processing and transmission technologies within the framework of a new transdisciplinary perspective on culture that takes up many elements of Michel Foucault, Marshall McLuhan and the German theoretician Friedrich Kittler. We aspire to present some of the main guidelines of this perspective, with particular emphasis on its conceptualizations of history and historiography and on the different ways in which it is articulated with literary analysis.


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How to Cite

Vilar, M. (2022). Media Archaeology and Literary Studies. El Taco En La Brea, 2(16), e0078.



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