«...and stating that the sun was spinning in the sky»
Cognoscitive Aspects in Juan Diego Incardona’s Mythopoetic Narrative
Incardona, literatura, Argentine, Peronism, mythsAbstract
Juan Diego Incardona (1971) is an Argentine writer. He has published a saga ―composed of short stories, novels and even a nouvelle― which deals with the transformation of Villa Celina, a neighborhood at the edge of the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, after the consolidation of neoliberalism in Argentina during the 1990s. In this series of texts, composed of four volumes (Villa Celina [2008], El campito [2009], Rock barrial [2010], and Las estrellas federales [2016]), Incardona exposes the catastrophic consequences of neoliberal policies and consolidates Peronist myths. By making it clear that the myths set forth in the saga are intentional, his narrative puts forward a partisan stand and makes clear their political potential. In spite of his project, and going one step forward, Incardona also provides a reflection about the role of myths and literature in the generation of knowledge. A pretended autonomy of myths and the wish to direct them are in constant tension, and it is here where the condition of possibility of Incardona's narrative resides.
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