Gal Costa or the honeysing body of the popular muse




Gal Costa, brazilian music, Haroldo de Campos, Tropicalismo, Bahia (Brazil)


This essay looks at Brazilian singer Gal Costa from three different «scenes»: tropicalism, the globalized music business of the seventies and her visits to Buenos Aires during the dictatorship. Focusing on the singer's voice, body, performance and costumes, we propose a political reading of her interventions, not as an active militancy but, rather, from apolitical categories such as sensuality or vocal interpretation. The essay ends with an analysis of the poem that Haroldo de Campos dedicated to Gal Costa in his book La educación de los cinco sentidos.


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How to Cite

Aguilar, G. (2023). Gal Costa or the honeysing body of the popular muse. El Taco En La Brea, (17), e0098.