Environment, university extension and pandemic: institutional reconfigurations at Universidad Nacional del Litoral





university extension, territory, pandemic, environmental sustainability, National University of the Litoral


This presentation shares some of the actions that were redefined within the framework of the institutional policies of university extension of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, in the context of the COVID–19 pandemic.
For university management, it implied deepening the dialogue with social organizations and communities, redefining methodologies and work strategies. In this sense, it was of vital importance to sustain the trajectories of pre–existing links and the articulation between the different areas, programs and extension projects of the Secretariat of Social and Cultural Extension.
Based on the reflective reading of the context, it is proposed to share the approach to local environmental problems through the journey of two extension projects with trajectory and experience in territorial work. Reconfiguring academic devices continues to be the main challenge for the management of university extension in a collective plot with the territory in a pandemic.


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How to Cite

Leguizamón, S., Sánchez, M. L., & Heinrich, V. (2021). Environment, university extension and pandemic: institutional reconfigurations at Universidad Nacional del Litoral. +E: University Extension Journal, 11(14.Ene-Jun), e0014. https://doi.org/10.14409/extension.2021.14.Ene-Jun.e0014