Systematization and analysis of the collective edition of a book written by a community group of women




university extension: systematisation of experiences, authorial voice, speech genre, proofreading, textual editing


This paper discusses the process of transforming a manuscript into a book, based on the joint work between teachers of the Tecnicatura Universitaria en Corrección de Estilo of Universidad Nacional de la República and the Grupo de Mujeres Piccioli, dedicated to community work focused on the care of women in vulnerable situations. The university extension collaboration arose when the group decided to publish a book (Hurgando en la memoria) to publicize its history and generate a roadmap for other women’s groups. Given the writing characteristics of the text and the role of the Tecnicatura in the editing process of the the original, we are interested in studying, from the perspective of discourse analysis, the construction of authorship and speech genre, in order to reflect on the particularities of a group creation generated by a social collective.

Author Biographies

Eliana Lucián, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

PhD candidate in Linguistics at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences (FHCE) of the University of the Republic (Udelar), Uruguay. Master in Human Sciences, option Language, Culture and Society (FHCE–Udelar) and master in Lexicography and Hispanic Philology (Royal Spanish Academy, University of León, Spain). She graduated with a degree in Literature, a university technician in Style Correction (FHCE–Udelar), and a Spanish Language teacher (Artigas Teachers Institute, Uruguay). She works as a language teacher at the Teacher Training Council (National Administration of Public Education) and as a researcher specialized in language at the National Institute of Education Evaluation.

Sandra Román, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

PhD candidate in Linguistics, master's degree in Human Sciences, Language, Culture and Society option, and graduate in Linguistics from the FHCE–Udelar. Currently, she works as academic coordinator of the Editorial Studies Area (FHCE–Udelar) and as a teacher in the University Technician in Style Correction and in the Specialization in Reading and Writing in Educational Fields (Udelar–Unesco). In addition, she is a language consultant in reading projects for the National Public Education Administration.

Cecilia Torres Rippa, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

Master in Human Sciences, Language, Culture and Society option from the FHCE–Udelar. He is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Literature at the University of Buenos Aires. He is a teacher in the University Technician in Style Correction (Area of ​​Editorial Studies) at Udelar. He has published articles in magazines and books on studies of translations published by publishers in Uruguay. Since 2021, he has been part of the History of Translation in Uruguay (CSIC, Udelar) research group.


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How to Cite

Lucián, E., Román, S., & Torres Rippa, C. (2024). Systematization and analysis of the collective edition of a book written by a community group of women. +E: University Extension Journal, 14(20.Ene-Jun), e0009.