Educational curriculum and diversities, researches from the extension


  • Lucimar Araújo Braga Universidades Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brasil.
  • Clara do Prado Patricio Universidades Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brasil.
  • lgor Antonio Barreto Universidades Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brasil.



This article presents part of the work done in extension projects and research on the educational curriculum and diversities. These actions are guided by the understanding and debates about theoretical studies related to the functioning of the educational curriculum and its diversities, as well as interventions carried out together with the community. The objective is to investigate and debate the subject on the educational curriculum and diversities (such as gender, sexuality, adolescence, aging, ethnics, ethics, etc.); extend the community through interventions and encourage academics, course academics, teachers of basic education and the community in general to live the teaching, research and extension triad. The basis for conducting the research is qualitative and our results demonstrate the relevance of studies like this within formal and non-formal education institutions, because they deal with issues that are not discussed in the university community, through the curriculum.


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How to Cite

Araújo Braga, L., Patricio, C. do P., & Barreto, lgor A. (2018). Educational curriculum and diversities, researches from the extension. +E: University Extension Journal, 8(8), 142–160.