Weaving patterns between art, university extension and local landscape in Palmar, Uruguay





art, landscape design, Project Workshop, systematization, territory


This article systematizes the experience of an integral training space developed from a Project Workshop of the Degree in Landscape Design at the Eastern Regional University Center of the University of the Republic in Uruguay. The space points to the integrality of university functions: extension, teaching and research as an articulated triad.
The metaphor of the plot allows us to intertwine experiences that we have been weaving in this space in successive stages that start from a first plot located in the Sculpture Park in Palmar where the interaction between university teachers, students and sculptors begins, and then expand its filaments towards a second plot in the Palmar–Mercedes Sculpture Route in which the map of actors is expanded including local rulers, officials, neighbors and finally a third plot that we call in transformation that represents the current moment of the collective's work.


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How to Cite

Articardi, J., Goñi, A. L., & Sánchez, V. (2019). Weaving patterns between art, university extension and local landscape in Palmar, Uruguay. +E: University Extension Journal, 9(11), 171–182. https://doi.org/10.14409/extension.v9i11.Jul-Dic.8719