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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Work has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal
  • Surnames and full names, emails and ORCID number of ALL authors have been included
  • The full name of the institutional affiliation of the authors has been included
  • Authors take account of Instructions for authors
  • The citation format and bibliographical references have been revised

Author Guidelines

Form and preparation of manuscripts

The manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form in Microsoft Word, preferably rtf of doc format. In formatting the manuscripts, use double spacing and do not hyphenate words on the right margin. Manuscripts should be typed on A4-size (210 mm by 298 mm) pages, on only one side of the paper. Use 11-point Times New Roman font and leave four 25 mm margins. Number pages consecutively, beginning with the title page. All pages of text should have line numbers.

FAVE Sección Ciencias Agrarias accepts the following contributions:

Article: An article is a substantial, in-depth and novel research work of interest to the readers of the journal. It should contain a maximum of 7,000 words, including title, abstract, body of the article, bibliographic references, tables, and figure legends. A maximum of 6 figures and/or tables is allowed.

Review: Reviews are exhaustive analyses of specific topics that should be no more than 10,000 words long, including title, abstract, body of the reivew, bibliographic references, tables, and figure legends. A maximum of 10 figures and/or tables is allowed. 

Brief communication: These are studies that do not meet the criteria for complete research works (for example, new results with a relatively simple experimental design and without follow-up work over time, partial results of a research work, reports of new pests, diseases, weeds, etc). It should contain a maximum of 2,500 words, including title, abstract, body of the communication, bibliographic references, tables, and figure legends. A maximum of 2 figures and/or tables is allowed.

Title page and subsequent pages

The cover page must contain the following: first, the title of the paper, surnames and full names, and the ORCID number of the authors; secondly, author affiliation with the postal address (including city and country), followed by the corresponding numbered reference to be placed next to the name of each author, and finally, the email of the author with which the correspondence related to the manuscript will be maintained. The editorial team will delete this information during the review process to ensure anonymity.

Subsequent pages will include: title of the manuscript, abstract and keywords in Spanish, abstract and keywords in English; text with Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (it can be combined with the Results) and Conclusions; Acknowledgments and funding (if any), References, Tables and Figure legends, and Appendix (only if necessary).

Section titles should be capitalized, centered and written in bold type. First-order subtitles should be typed in lower case italics boldface type, initial capital, flush left. Second order subtitles should by typed as first-order ones but they will be written on the first line of a paragraph.


It should be concise (up to 120 characters) and informative about the research work. 

Abstract in Spanish and in English  

Each abstract should not exceed 250 words. The abstract in English will include the title of the work.


Following both Abstracts, list up to 5 words representing the content of the article. They should be typed in lower case, separated by commas; abbreviations are not allowed.


Authors shoud use the APA style guidelines (7th Edition) for the elaboration of the bibliographic references. Link to CSL file for Zotero:

All references cited in the text must be included in the bibliographic list, which must be sorted alphabetically by last name of the first author. In the case of several works for the same author, those in the case of a single author will be placed in the first instance, then those corresponding to two authors and finally those of three or more authors, ordering them chronologically within these three categories.

Below are the main examples to have as a guide:


Agrios, G. N. (2010). Introduction to plant pathology (4th. Ed.). Elsevier Academic Press.

Dhingra, O. D., & Sinclair, J. B. (2017). Basic plant pathology methods. CRC press.

Book chapter:

Micheloud, N. G. & Pilatti, R. A. (2014). Cítricos. In N. F. Gariglio, C. A. Bouzo & M. A. Travadelo (Eds.), Cultivos frutales y ornamentales para zonas templado-cálidas. Experiencias en la zona central de Santa Fe (1st. ed. pp. 25-49). Ediciones UNL.


Jones, J. D., & Dangl, J. L. (2006). The plant immune system. Nature444(7117), 323-329.

Micheloud, N., Favaro, J. C., Castro, D., Buyatti, M., Favaro, M. A., García, M. S., & Gariglio, N. (2018). Fig production under an intensive pruning system in the moist central area of Argentina. Scientia Horticulturae234, 261-266.


Lazzarini, M. B. (2020). Impacto productivo, económico y ambiental de un ordeño diario en sistemas lecheros pastoriles de Argentina. [PhD Thesis, Universidad Nacional del Litoral]. Biblioteca virtual UNL

Each citation will be referred to in the body of the text by last name and year of publication, following the following examples: (Agrios, 2005) if it is a single author; (Micheloud y Pilatti, 2014) in the case of two authors; (Agostini et al., 1991) in the case of three or more authors. In the case of citing several references, they will be sorted alphabetically within the same parenthesis.


Tables should be independently and consecutively numbered (Arabic numerals) in the order in which they appear in the text and inserted at the end of the text, each one on a separate page in the original language and in english, with clear, concise heading. The desired placement should be indicated in the text.


All figures should be independently and consecutively numbered (Arabic numerals) in the order in which they appear in the text and they should be sent in a separate file with jpg extension.                              .
Photographs should be at least 300 dpi (or 600 dpi if the image is a mixture of figures and text or thin lines). The name of the file should be the same as the one in the text, followed by the word “Figure” and the corresponding figure number. The legends of figures, in the original language and in english, should be included at the end of the text, following Tables. The desired placement should be indicated in the text.

Chemical units, elements and compounds

Follow the International System of Units.


They should be explained in a list of abbreviations.

Submission of manuscripts

Manuscripts should be designated with the last name of the first author and submitted together with a cover letter addressed to the Editor-in-chief according to the model provided (Download sample cover letter) to the following e-mail address:

In addition, you should upload the manuscript to the OJS Platform of Library of Periodic Publications of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. The link to the platform is

Instructions for authors are attached in the following link, and they could be consulted either to sign up, track the status of your submission, submit a manuscript for the first time or submit a new manuscript.

If any problem, please contact us at our postal address: Secretaría Ejecutiva Revista FAVE – Sección Ciencias Agrarias, Kreder 2805, (S3080HOF) Esperanza (Santa Fe), by telephone at (03496) 426400 / 421037, or by fax at (03496) 426400.



Review: Reviews are exhaustive analyses of specific topics that should be no more than 10,000 words long, including title, abstract, body of the reivew, bibliographic references, tables, and figure legends. A maximum of 10 figures and/or tables is allowed. 


Article: An article is a substantial, in-depth and novel research work of interest to the readers of the journal. It should contain a maximum of 7,000 words, including title, abstract, body of the article, bibliographic references, tables, and figure legends. A maximum of 6 figures and/or tables is allowed.


Brief communication: These are studies that do not meet the criteria for complete research works (for example, new results with a relatively simple experimental design and without follow-up work over time, partial results of a research work, reports of new pests, diseases, weeds, etc). It should contain a maximum of 2,500 words, including title, abstract, body of the communication, bibliographic references, tables, and figure legends. A maximum of 2 figures and/or tables is allowed.