Estimation of the cover management factor in the usle using spectral indices




water erosion, geographic information system


The Cuña Boscosa Santafesina has suffered deforestation that caused fragmentation and deterioration. The soils were used for livestock and agricultural activities with traditional tillage, favouring water erosion processes. The Universal Soil Loss Equation is widely used to predict soil loss, with C factor (cover and management) being one of the main components. For its determination, satellite imagery can be used, being the objective of this paper to obtain it for a site of the Cuña Boscosa. To achieve this, a micro-basin was delimited with Geographic Information Systems and satellite information. Sectors were identified according to the land use and the C factor was obtained using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index of twelve images from the period July 2020 to May 2021. The values obtained was compared with daily rainfall in the area. As results, C factor maps were generated for each date and for the average value of the period studied. Although the average C factor in sectors of natural vegetation was similar to that of the cultivated sector, the latter presented a greater variation that accompanied the development of the crops. In addition, cultivated land had less vegetal cover in periods of higher rainfall, leaving the ground exposed to the erosive effect of the rain. This methodology is promising for quantifying C factor during a crop cycle and evaluate is spatio-temporal dynamism, but it must be validated with field data.


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How to Cite

Micheloud, E. N., Bocco, J., & Marano, R. P. (2023). Estimation of the cover management factor in the usle using spectral indices. FAVE Sección Ciencias Agrarias, 22, e0004.



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