Occurrence of Bipolaris cookei on sorghum in central-western Entre Ríos, Argentina





Sorghum, enfermedad, hongo, conidios con esporulación secundaria


In the province of Entre Ríos, Argentina, sorghum is grown for grain and forage, and also contributes to maintaining soil structural stability in production systems. In summer 2018, in two commercial hybrids of grain sorghum planted at the Paraná Agricultural Experimental Station of INTA (Oro Verde, Entre Ríos), dark brown, elliptical to oval, regular to somewhat irregular leaf spots, sometimes with diffuse margins, measuring approximately 3 x 5 mm, were observed in the middle and lower strata of the plants. Also, in summer 2019, on two pre-commercial hybrids and one commercial hybrid, in addition to the symptoms mentioned above, specks and purple spots with irregular and diffuse margins and delimited by the veins were detected on the youngest leaves, giving the appearance of a foliar "splash". The objectives of this work were to identify and characterize the causal organism of a foliar disease present in grain sorghum hybrids from central-western Entre Ríos. The symptoms observed in field samples and those produced in pathogenicity tests, the morphological characteristics of the colonies, as well as those of the conidia developed in vivo and in vitro, coincided with the descriptions made for Bipolaris cookei, the causal organism of the "target leaf spot" of sorghum. The information obtained contributes to the knowledge of this pathosystem in the sorghum producing region of Entre Ríos.


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How to Cite

Velazquez, P. D. (2023). Occurrence of Bipolaris cookei on sorghum in central-western Entre Ríos, Argentina. FAVE Sección Ciencias Agrarias, 22, e0014. https://doi.org/10.14409/fa.2023.22.e0014