Study of the impact of the extensive organic production over some soil quality indicators


  • Marcelo Silvano De Siervi Cátedra de Química Inorgánica y Analítica. FAUBA.
  • Iván Grandoli Cátedra de Química Inorgánica y Analítica. FAUBA.
  • Alicia Fabrizio de Iorio Cátedra de Química Inorgánica y Analítica. FAUBA.



soil quality, organic production, extensive farming


The analysis of soil quality indicators in extensive agricultural and livestock breeding under organic systems has not been deeply studied in our country. Organic production is based on the application of a set of techniques that protect crops and animals from pests so that they do not cause economic damage, without applying any type of input of synthetic origin. The soil resource represents for these systems a fundamental capital to guarantee the production sustainability. The objective of this work was to characterize some soil quality indicators in plots of an agricultural establishment under organic production to evaluate the impact of the management practices used. The sampling was carried out in eight lots under agricultural and livestock rotation for more than twenty years. Superficial composite samples (0-20 cm) were taken and the following were determined: % organic matter (OM), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), extractable phosphorus (Pe) and Kjeldhal nitrogen (N). The results obtained showed severe chemical limitations on productivity due to a pH imbalance, which could be directly related to the availability of some nutrients such as phosphorus. When compared with the original levels of Pe in these soils, a significant drop in this was observed. Due to the non-existent replacement of nutrients, crop yields are low and highly variable, which implies a reduction in the contribution of stubble and would determine that the carbon balance during the agricultural cycle is negative.


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How to Cite

De Siervi, M. S., Grandoli, I., & Fabrizio de Iorio, A. (2023). Study of the impact of the extensive organic production over some soil quality indicators . FAVE Sección Ciencias Agrarias, 22, e0001.



Especial Suelos