Strategies to decompact the soil in the semi-arid pampas region: residual effect on basic infiltration and yield


  • Romina Fernández Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil
  • Cristian Álvarez Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil
  • Elke Noellemeyer Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
  • Alberto Quiroga Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil - Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa



biological decompaction, decompaction, hydraulic conductivity


Compaction is an increasingly recurring problem and generates great concern among producers and colleagues from different regions of the country. The present work will try to give answers, about if there is the possibility that different management strategies allow reversing compaction. Different treatments were installed on a loam soil from the south of the calcareous plain of the Pampa Semiarid Region: - Control (T). - Cover crop, used as biological agent of decompaction (CC). – mechanical decompaction (D). – decompaction plus cover crop (D CC). Basic infiltration rate (IB) was determined in May 2019, October 2019, September 2020, and October 2021. Hydraulic conductivity, soil moisture, crop yields (dry matter, grain) were determined. The relative yields (RR) of maize for silage (2019-2020) in D was 37% higher compared to T, CC increased 108% compared to T and the combination between D CC yielded 132% more production. For grain maize (2020-2021), the RR were also positive in relation to T, treatments D, CC and D CC yielded 49, 15 and 68 %, respectively, more compared to T. For the wheat crop (2021) the RR with respect to T were of lesser magnitude, (5, 0.1 and 19% for D, CC, and D CC, respectively). Regarding relative IB, in treatment D it decreased widely over time until 540 days, after which the rate remained relatively constant until 900 days. At 540 and 900 days after the decompaction, the relative values ​​of IB between D and D CC were similar and higher than T. CC, presented the most stable IB values ​​over time. These results, two and half years since the experience began, allowed to quantify the residual effect of decompaction and the use of CC on the capture and movement of water in the soil profile, as well as on crop production. The treatment that would increase capture and movement of water in the soil profile, as well as in crop production, and increase WUE more significantly would be the inclusion of mechanical decompaction associated with CC.


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How to Cite

Fernández, R., Álvarez, C., Noellemeyer, E., & Quiroga, A. (2023). Strategies to decompact the soil in the semi-arid pampas region: residual effect on basic infiltration and yield. FAVE Sección Ciencias Agrarias, 22, e0002.



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