Potential nitrogen mineralization in soils with sunflower seed husk application


  • Juan Manuel Martínez Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida (CERZOS)
  • Juliana Moisés Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida (CERZOS)
  • Matías Ezequiel Duval Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida (CERZOS)
  • Ramiro Javier García Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS) - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
  • Pablo Postemsky Comisión Investigaciones Científicas (BA)




potentially mineralizable N, agroindustrial residue, southwest of Buenos Aires Province, C:N ratio


The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential nitrogen (N) mineralization of contrasting soils after the addition of different sunflower seed hulls (CG) (Helianthus annuus L.) doses, an abundant residue of the southwest of Buenos Aires Province (SOB). Long-term aerobic incubations (37 weeks) were performed, using three different soils (0-20 cm) and various CG levels based on their organic N content: 100 (D1), 200 (D2) and 400 (D3) kg N ha-1. Soils differs in granulometric fractions (S1: sand 509 g kg-1; silt 320 g kg-1 and clay 171 g kg-1; S2: sand 351 g kg-1; silt 448 g kg-1 and clay 201 g kg-1; S3: sand 827 g kg-1, silt 107 g kg-1 and clay 66 g kg-1). The CG chemical characteristics: electrical conductivity= 1.6 dS m-1; pH= 5.6; organic matter (MO) = 958 g kg-1; total N= 7.8 g kg-1, C:N ratio = 79. Significant differences were found in potentially mineralizable N (N0) for three soils, whose values were S1>S2>S3; as well as in the mineralization rate (k) (S1 and S3= 0.0036 week-1, S2=0.0056 week-1). Significant interaction was found with the CG contribution and soils, so the contribution was analyzed for each soil. When GC was applied, a positive response was observed on S3 with D1 and D2. For S1 and S2, the application of GC did not increase the potential for N mineralization, however, it had not a detrimental effect on the potential. Dynamics of accumulated N mineralization showed different effects of CG addition with respect to soil type. The CG addition to soil increased the potential N mineralization in the sandy-loam soil, without reducing the potential in the remaining soils, which is why it could be used as an organic amendment under these conditions.


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How to Cite

Martínez, J. M., Moisés, J., Duval, M. E., García, R. J., & Postemsky, P. (2023). Potential nitrogen mineralization in soils with sunflower seed husk application. FAVE Sección Ciencias Agrarias, 22, e0003. https://doi.org/10.14409/fa.2023.22.e0003



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