Weed seeds in soybean crop: threat to farming systems?
seed, weeds, soybean, threatAbstract
Weeds constitute important adversities for crop development, harvest and yield. Agronomic practices modify weed communities according to species characteristics: seed production, phenology, morphology, and herbicide resistance. The objective of this study was to characterize the community of species whose seeds are present in soybeans harvested in the center-west of Entre Ríos province. Soybean samples were taken from the 2020 and 2021 seasons in four departments of Entre Ríos (Argentina). The Other Seeds fraction of each sample was described by size and specific richness; the relative abundance and frequency of species per sample was calculated; and the specific diversity of the community. The floristic similarity between campaigns and between Departments was established and the samples were subjected to multivariate analysis to detect clusters. There were no significant differences in size and richness of the fraction between campaigns or between Departments. A single representative community was determined for both campaigns with a marked dominance of Amaranthus hybridus L. and Echinochloa crus-galli (L.), of recognized competitive ability and multiple resistance to herbicides. The community of other seeds in soybean is a potential threat to agricultural systems, by the dispersal of seeds of resistant species to new areas, and by their perpetuation in the soil seed bank.
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