Morphological characterization and genetic variability in genotypes of the genera Vriesea and Guzmania (Bromeliaceae) with ornamental potential
bromeliads, variability, selection, plant breeding, germplasmAbstract
Bromeliads have a high commercial potential as ornamental species. The creation of new varieties is of utmost importance for the market. The objective of this research was to evaluate the morpho-agronomic variability of hybrids from intra and interspecific crosses of Guzmania lingulata, G. freya, G. wittmackii, G. conifera, G. zahnii and the Vriesea “Electric” cultivar. Ten groups of plants from crosses between accessions of Guzmania and Vriesea were studied for a commercial exploitation of bromeliads between 2017 and 2018, to which the quantitative variables were measured: plant height, plant diameter, peduncle length, number of leaves, length of leaves, width of basal leaves, length of inflorescence and diameter of inflorescence. Descriptive statistics were determined for these variables as mean, CV and SD and an ANOVA was performed with a Duncan mean separation test at 0,05%. The variables were subjected to an analysis of principal components and Pearson's correlations. Regarding results, it was obtained that crossing 1 reached the highest values for all the variables except NH and DI, while crossings 4 and 6 showed the lowest values for most of the variables (p<0,05). Highly correlated variables were found, such as peduncle length (Lped) and plant height (AP), peduncle length (Lped) and plant diameter (DP), leaf length (LH) and plant diameter (DP). and inflorescence height (AI) with plant height (AP). In general, in the principal components analysis, it was found that all the variables, except the Inflorescence Diameter (DI), contribute to the variability in the first two components. According to the analyzes carried out and the quantified variables, sufficient variability was found to develop a plant breeding program.
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