Botanical extracts as a technological artifact for agroecological transitions: tests experiences in Cordoba, Argentina
agroecology, pest insect management, horticulture, interdiscipline, socio technical analysisAbstract
This article analyzes two technological frameworks in dispute in the Agrifood Region of Central Cordoba: the conventional (CTF), with a dominant presence in the agricultural sector, and the agroecological (AETF), with a recent trajectory but with an expansive tendency. This work proposes to deal particularly with one of the technological artifacts proposed in the TAETF that can be constituted as an alternative productive practice to the conventional one regarding pest insects management. The methodology is framed within the qualitative paradigm, relevant social groups were selected in relation to pest insects management and control without chemical synthesis inputs and then, within these groups, key informants were identified.
A first distinction was made between producers (conventional and agroecological) and professionals (extensionists and researchers). Conclusions on the performance of aphids control with a garlic-based botanical extract depends on the relevant social group. On one hand, there were valuable lessons learned by researchers, even though the results showed only positive trends: i) botanical extracts should not be thought of as direct substitutes for chemical synthetic inputs, ii) BE serve as an artifact that favors the transition on ways of thinking. On the other hand, for AE producers, the artifact works and allows them to confirm their trajectory and continuous accompaniment of other agroecological practices proposed by the AETF. While for conventional producers, it also works, but demands more labor, so its use is justified only in specific forms and at specific times.
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