Epidemiology and damage caused by a new sweet potato viral complex in Córdoba province
Ipomoea batatas, viruses, incidence, severity, yield damageAbstract
During three successive agricultural seasons, survey, epidemiology, and damage studies were carried out in sweet potato fields, showing symptoms of a viral complex in Colonia Caroya. The following viruses were present in all the evaluated fields: sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV), sweet potato virus G (SPVG), sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV), and sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV). When comparing yield reduction between severely and mildly symptomatic plants, losses of 44 and 45% were recorded for fresh weight and number of commercial roots, respectively. These losses were 94 and 86%, respectively, in the second agricultural season (comparing severely affected and asymptomatic plants). Additionally, the incidence and prevalence of the different viruses increased in successive seasons, and the highest symptom severity was observed in double, triple, and quadruple infections involving SPCSV and SPFMV. The damage caused by the viral complex was confirmed in two comparative yield trials. In the first trial, plants affected by the viral complex were compared to healthy plants obtained by tissue culture, while in the second trial, the comparison was made between plants with the viral complex and asymptomatic plants harvested from the first trial. The damage caused by the viral complex was significant both, in commercial plots and experimental trials, indicating that the only efficient control method is using healthy explants obtained through micropropagation. The presence of the viruses responsible for this complex in seedlings of various origins indicates that the use of foreign seedlings leads to their dispersion.
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