Howl’s adaptation of the novel to japanese animated film

Dialogues between literature and cinema in Moving Castle


  • Águeda María Valverde Maestre Universidad de Córdoba



Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) is a renowned feature film in Hayao Miyazaki's filmography. Despite incorporating the distinctive style characteristics of the Japanese director and Studio Ghibli, this film is based on the adaptation of the eponymous novel written by Diana Wynne-Jones (1986, 2003). This study analyses the similarities and differences in the treatment of the characters in the literary and cinematographic versions of this story, focusing on Howl’s case, given his relevance to the plot and the lack of research related to his character. To this end, a methodology based on Chatman's (1990) notions of “existents” is developed. Ultimately, the study explores the original particularities of the transposition of the screenplay to the film.

Author Biography

Águeda María Valverde Maestre, Universidad de Córdoba

Águeda María Valverde-Maestre (Cordoba, 1996) is a technician (higher 
level) in Audiovisual Production and Shows. Besides, she holds a 
degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Malaga 
(2020). Nowadays, she studies a master’s (degree) in Cinematography in 
the University of Cordoba. She has published in well-recognized 
journals, like Communication & Society. She highlights her interest in 
the Japanese animation industry, among other areas of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Valverde Maestre, Águeda M. (2023). Howl’s adaptation of the novel to japanese animated film: Dialogues between literature and cinema in Moving Castle. El Hilo De La Fabula, (25), e0031.



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