Gabriela Mistral y Susana Romano: entre desolación y verdades
Gabriela Mistral, Susana Romano, thematology, comparative poetryAbstract
The following article is focused on two poems that, despite the temporal, spatial and critical reception distance in which they have been created, propose a deep reflection on a common thematic axis: the absence of motherhood. These are the poems: "La mujer estéril", by Gabriela Mistral (Chile, 1889-1957), published in Desolación (1922) and "Trunca", from the book Verdades como criptas (1980), by Susana Romano from Cordoba, Argentina (1947). I also add the contribution of the “Motherhood” section of the book Lecturas para mujeres, published by Gabriela Mistral in Mexico in 1924. It is known that Gabriela Mistral's poetry has been widely studied by critics of different times and orientations; on the contrary, Susana Romano’s had a more limited diffusion and reception, but no less significance in terms of the scope and depth of her aesthetic proposal. This rereading, that takes place in the second decade of the 21st century, when many paths around the theme raised by both poems placed in parallel have already been traveled, implies a challenge and a daring, a challenge accepted by me in order to try to understand their reflections and bring the readers of "today" an exquisite poetic material.
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