«Prospectus» from L’Artiste, by Théophile Gautier. Preliminary note and translated text


  • Julieta Videla Martínez Universidad Nacional de Córdoba- SECyT




The «Prospectus» that Théophile Gautier wrote for the renewed proposal presentation of the newspaper The Artist –of which he had been, since 1856, the editor-in-chief chosen by the editors Édouard Houssaye and Xavier Aubryet–, is an important text about the debates about the autonomy of art or its subordination to the political ideologies of the time. Despite his importance, Gautier has fallen into a certain disrepute for the community of researchers, at least in the Spanish language, to such an extent that not only are studies on his works scarce, but also, to this day, this text has not been translated and is only mentioned in some studies on aesthetic ideas for his famous phrase «we believe in the autonomy of art (...)».


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Bénichou, Paul (2017), La escuela del desencanto, [trad. de Alejandro Merlín; prólogo de Tzvetan Todorov]. México: Fondo de cultura económica.

Burello, Marcelo (2012), Autonomía del arte y autonomía estética: una genealogía. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila.

Castagnès, Gilles (2020), «Edmond Duranty et le journal Réalisme (1856-1857) en guerre contre les poètes matérialistes». Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France. France: Garnier.

Edwards, Peter J. (1982). «Théophile Gautier, rédacteur en chef de L’Artiste». Théophile Gautier: L’Art et L’Artiste. Actes du colloque international. Montpellier: Université Paul Valéry.

Forest, H. U. (1927), «“Réalisme” journal de Duranty». Modern Philology. 24: 463-479.

Melmoux Montaubin, Marie Françoise (1999), Le roman d’art dans la seconde moitié du XIX siècle. France:Klincksieck.

Ruby, Franck (1998), «Théophile Gautier et la question de l’art pour l’art». Bulletin de la Société Théophile Gautier, 20, 1: 9-19.

Salaris Banegas, F. y Videla Martínez, J. (comps.) (2023). Escritos programáticos del realismo francés 1855-1880. Argentina: Teseo Press.

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How to Cite

Videla Martínez, J. (2024). «Prospectus» from L’Artiste, by Théophile Gautier. Preliminary note and translated text. El Hilo De La Fabula, (27), e0049. https://doi.org/10.14409/hf.2024.27.e0049



Tres, después de Babel (un lugar para la traducción y para la tra-dicción)