Teaching maths at university: an experience of building trust relationships in the classroom


  • Nancy Mateos Universidad Nacional de Moreno
  • Fernando Chorny Universidad Nacional de Moreno
  • Pablo Coll Universidad Nacional de Moreno
  • Laura Reynoso Universidad Nacional de Moreno




maths teaching, university, trust, problem solving, learning and teaching during lockdown, inclusion


This work presents a maths teaching approach at university that holds the main assumption that everyone can learn. This experience was developed in Mathematical Analysis I (AMI), which is a first year course of the Electronic Engineering Degree Program at Universidad Nacional de Moreno in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is part of an inclusion-oriented research work conducted by collaborative groups of professors and researchers that reflect upon teaching. In fact, the AMI team focused on creating a learning environment that would enable students to share their productions, mistakes, and difficulties as a condition for building mathematical knowledge. Thus trust becomes not only a pillar for developing pedagogical relationships but also a key element to enable knowledge transfer. This work was started in 2019 and has been adjusted to the particularities related to the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.



How to Cite

Mateos, N., Chorny, F., Coll, P., & Reynoso, L. (2021). Teaching maths at university: an experience of building trust relationships in the classroom. Itinerarios Educativos, (15), e0018. https://doi.org/10.14409/ie.2021.15.e0018



Experiences and projects