The crisis of the principle of selectivity in secondary school and its implications for school work organization


  • Gonzalo Martín Gutiérrez Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



This article analyzes a set of transformations here called the crisis of the principle of selectivity with unequal integration in secondary school. From a historical perspective, the founding features of secondary school are: selectivity, encyclopedism, and its weakening since the mid–20th century. We also discuss the convergence of new social sectors that gained access to secondary school, the recognition of education as a right, and the changes in curricula, teaching perspectives and school work organization. This enables criticism of secondary school to be inscribed —according to school performance, overage attendance, grade repetition, and graduation rates— in dynamic processes that hold, reconfigure and give birth to new educational inequalities. Finally, we provide interpretations on some tensions in schooling processes, focusing on the emergence of new schooling modalities that, contrarily to their intention, tend to fragment the pedagogical dimension of the secondary level. These structural and pedagogical key aspects gain relevance in the current return to full face–to–face attendance, since even with greater educational investments and improved socioeconomic and schooling conditions, the main challenge remains pedagogical.

Author Biography

Gonzalo Martín Gutiérrez, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Magister en Investigación Educativa, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Especialista en Ciencias Sociales con Mención en Currículum y prácticas escolares, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Profesor Adjunto en la cátedra  Didáctica General y Profesor Adjunto en la cátedra de Historia de la educación argentina en Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Director del proyecto categoría Consolidar: Entre políticas curriculares y nuevas modalidades institucionales de escolarización: la relación con el saber en la escuela secundaria, Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica (Res. 20220-233-E-UNC-SECYT#ACTIP, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, UNC.



How to Cite

Gutiérrez, G. M. (2022). The crisis of the principle of selectivity in secondary school and its implications for school work organization. Itinerarios Educativos, (16), e0022.