Making a notebook: didactic use and management of writing and image–support artifacts


  • Octavio Falconi UNC



teaching work, devices (dispositifs), didactic artifacts, secondary school, inclusion policies


The present work is focused on identifying
practices and material resources, components of a
didactic–pedagogical device (dispositifs), used by teachers
to do their job with students, particularly in activities
that require certain ways of reading and writing.
For this purpose, the case study consists of Geography
lessons delivered by a Geography teacher, Ernestina,
in the 3rd year (9th grade) of the basic cycle at a state
secondary school, in the city of Córdoba, Argentina.
The present work aims at providing a contribution to
understanding teaching work from a socio–anthropological
perspective upon methodological constructions
and properties and uses of «ordinary» didactic writing–
support artifacts, historically and daily built by teaching
collectives. Likewise, this work is intended to be a contribution
to studies on didactic–pedagogical devices
which enable working with new groups of students
coming from socially vulnerable sectors that have been
incorporated into secondary school as a result of the
advent of compulsory secondary education in Argentina.



How to Cite

Falconi, O. (2019). Making a notebook: didactic use and management of writing and image–support artifacts. Itinerarios Educativos, (11), 15–40.